General information about Tafero-EM
Keep Tafero EM medicine out of the reach of children and pets, and only use it for the indications advised. Never share your medicines with others. This material is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, medication interactions, allergic reactions, or side effects.
2.Attention Required:
Do not share the Tafero EM medicine with others, as they may have a problem that this drug does not successfully address. Before using Tafero EM, talk to your doctor, medical adviser, nurse, hospital institution, health advisor, or pharmacist for more information.
Please note that this material is not intended to be medical advice; if you have a medical condition, you should seek medical help. If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, contact your doctor or an emergency hotline right once.
1.What exactly is Tafero-EM?
- For the treatment of HIV-1, Tafero-EM is used in conjunction with other medications.
- It is used in combination with other HIV-1 drugs because it is a fixed-dose combination of antiretroviral agents emtricitabine (200mg) and tenofovir alafenamide (25mg).
- PrEP is also utilised with Tafero-EM. It’s also a good medicine for preventing HIV infections in teenagers and adults.
- PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when persons who are at very high risk of contracting HIV take daily medication to avoid infection.
2.PrEP is an extremely successful method of lowering the chance of contracting HIV.
- The US descovy (Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide) was recently approved by the FDA for the use of PrEP as well.
- Hetero Healthcare Ltd. in India manufactures Tafero-EM (that is U.S. FDA GMP certified manufacturer).
- For the treatment of HIV-1 infections and consequences, it can also be used in a combination drug or medicine with other treatments.
- Tafero-EM, on the other hand, has no effect on curing or stopping HIV or AIDS infections.
- Tenvir EM is the country’s first generic PrEP medication.
3.Tenvir-em vs. Tafero-EM: What’s the Difference?
- On renal and bone safety, Tafero EM (Tenofovir Alafenamide) was found to be more effective than Tenvir EM (Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate).
- Only if the patient is HIV negative must both drugs be provided in the case of PrEP.
4.Dosage and Uses
- A single tablet of Tafero-EM is prescribed and should be taken once a day.
- It should be taken once a day, either with or without food.
- Before using this medicine, it is critical to consult with a doctor because it may have a serious, positive or negative impact on the body.
- Before using this medication, you should get an HIV test and a Hepatitis B test.
5.How and where can I get Tafero-EM tablets at a good price?
- This prescription drug is available at a large pharmacy in India’s various cities.
- Check the seller’s credentials, reviews, and feedback before purchasing this medication.
- buyprep is a best site for Tafero EM get chip price
- Tafero-EM is a prescription medicine, it should only be used with competent medical counsel and guidance. Noxalk medications should only be administered under the supervision of a doctor.
- This article is solely for the purpose of providing information/reference and is solely based on our knowledge and faith. This is not a substitute for medical or health-related advice. Please get medical advice before taking any action.