Complete Guide About PrEP ?

Complete Guide About PrEP?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a course of HIV medications taken by HIV-negative people to reduce their risk of HIV infection.

Truvada is at present the main medication approved for use as PrEP. Truvada is a single pill that is a mix of two anti-HIV drugs, tenofovir, and emtricitabine.

How does PrEP prevent HIV ?

The anti-HIV drug in PrEP stops the infection recreating in your body. If you are presented to HIV yet have been taking PrEP effectively, there will be sufficiently high degrees of the medications to keep you from getting HIV.

How effective is PrEP ?

Whenever used reliably and effectively, PrEP can practically wipe out the danger of you getting to be infected with HIV.

Various huge, high profile trials embraced all over the world have kept on proving PrEP’s viability.

If I take PrEP, would I stop using condoms ?

This will rely upon your conditions. PrEP will protect you from HIV, however, it doesn’t give you any protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Using a condom is the best approach to anticipate different STIs, for example, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis C.

Who can take PrEP ?

PrEP isn’t prescribed for everyone. It’s for people who are HIV-negative and more in the risk of HIV infection.

PrEP might be an option for you if:

  • you’re in an ongoing sexual relationship with an accomplice living with HIV whose HIV isn’t very much controlled.
  • you’re a gay or bisexual man who has different easygoing sexual experiences, and you don’t generally use condoms.
  • you’re a gay or bisexual man in another sexual relationship yet not yet mindful of your sexual accomplices HIV status and not using condoms.
  • you’re not using condoms with partners of the contrary sex whose HIV status is obscure and who are at high danger of HIV disease (for instance, they infuse drugs, have numerous partners simultaneously, or have bisexual male partners)
  • you’ve shared injecting equipment or have been in a treatment program for injecting drug use.

Is PrEP effective for vaginal and anal sex ?

PrEP can prevent HIV disease during both vaginal and anal sex, yet the medications in PrEP are ingested significantly more successfully by rectal tissue than vaginal tissue. This implies the options for how you take PrEP are different relying upon the sex you have:

  • to prevent HIV disease through the vagina, PrEP should be taken each day. You should take PrEP for 7 days before you are secured, and after that consistently for whatever length of time that you need protection.
  • in the event that your hazard is from butt-centric sex (being the responsive accomplice, or base) at that point you can think about day by day PrEP (as above) or event-based (on-request) PrEP. There are various kinds of occasion put together PrEP depending with respect to your example of sexual activity, so ensure you talk this choice through with health proficient.

Occasions put together or with respect to request PrEP is appropriate for butt-centric sex. Daily PrEP is the main strategy reasonable for both anal and vaginal sex.

Where is PrEP available ?

Currently, PrEP isn’t accessible wherever on the planet and even in nations where it has administrative approval (which means it’s affirmed as drug), it may not be anything but difficult to get hold of for various political or resourcing reasons.

In certain nations, PrEP is available for free or subsidized as a major part of the national health system, in different nations you should pay for it privately.

Fortunately, universal rules presently suggest that PrEP ought to be made generally accessible, so regardless of whether it’s not accessible to you at the present time, it might be a choice later on.

If you are keen on getting PrEP contact a social insurance proficient who ought to have the option to exhort you on how you can do this. They will also have the option to offer the guidance, monitoring, and support to enable you to take PrEP accurately and ensure you are completely protected.

There are also dedicated sites that can enable you to buy PrEP. Be that as it may, taking PrEP without medicinal guidance and observing has health risks, so you ought to consistently get an expert health check in the event that you do buy PrEP online.

How can I start PrEP and how long do I take it for ?

You should take an HIV test before beginning PrEP to make sure that you don’t as of now have HIV. If you have HIV officially, then beginning and ceasing PrEP may improve the probability of developing drug resistance.

While you’re taking PrEP, you should visit your healthcare professional for ordinary check-ups (at least every three months).

In contrast to HIV treatment, people don’t remain on PrEP forever. PrEP is generally taken for times of weeks, months or a couple of years when a person feels most at risk of HIV. This may be during explicit connections, after the separation of a relationship and dating new individuals, when arranging an occasion when you realize you will be sexually active with new people whose status you may not know, while managing medication use issues, or when attempting to consider and one of you is known to be HIV positive.

Does PrEP have any side effects ?

In certain people PrEP can cause minor symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue and dizziness, however, these generally disappear after some time.

In rare cases, PrEP can also affect kidney functions.

In case you’re taking truvada prep and experience any side effects that are severe or don’t leave, tell your healthcare professional.

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